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Monday, April 20, 2009

Break down

ok guys...

this entire thing with david sucks..... he wants me back but then he's acting like he don't care and being stupid (he punched a wall cuz he was mad and screwed up his wrist...brilliant one i kno)... he says he still loves me, but then he wont even try hard to get me back....he hasn't said a singel word to my face since the day b4 he broke up with me...so idk what to do..

i want him back so bad that it hurts, but then again i can't trust him with my heart anymore so whats the point?? i kno u say i should be treated like a princess, but i've never treated anyone else like a princess/prince so y should i expect something better than i give in return?? i just don't know what to believe anymore.... David says he wants me back, his friends say they told him that he'll never take me back, and then he tells me my friends are filling my head with stuff that aint tru when i've been talking 2 his friends mostly.... and he wont even try cuz i told him i don't trust him....then i heard 2day that he told sum1 that he want to wait until i'm dieing without him b4 he'll take me back (which idk if its tru cuz idk who to trust anymore you know?) i can't trust david, i can't trust any of my/ his guy friends cuz they all secretly want me for themselves, and my girls have heard all their info from davids friends......or rumors whatever.... it don't matter anymore...i've kinda stopped caring, but at the same time i still really want him back..

i just wish things were the way they were before...i thought he loved me and he thought i loved him...he'd never break up with me cuz he couldn't stand not being with me for that long....the longest we were ever apart was like 2 weeks.....that was not cool, but we still called eachother and everything....but this...this right now...is way way way worse....not talking to him except over txts and emails occasionally....its hard to go from talking to the sweetest guy u kno everyday to not talking to him at all and wondering if he hates u and if u'll ever get him back...

And another thing..y should i feel bad for him???? i mean yes, i hate to see him in so much pain, but he brought this on himself and he should be the one crawling back to me.....not the other way around............



Thayer & Associates said...

He needs to come crawling back. Don't talk to him or his stupid friend and that will make him miss you.



Sam said...

Oh, Pooky. This is hard. You are officially in the horrible dating world. Don't trust too lightly. Don't give your heart away (I'm one to talk) too easily. First of all, remain calm. Breathe. Pray. Your direction will be shown to you if you look up and ask. Seriously. Then, don't listen to anyone but your own heart and mind. Don't let one rule the other. Use both. Then, know this. There will be silly boys that break your heart. That will happen, but you are you in all your splendor no matter what those little punks think of you. You are beautiful and wonderful and amazing...no matter. And, hey, props on the whole treating others as you wish to be treated. Touche! Good point. BUT, I think if you respect others and treat them with kindness, you should also expect it in return. If you don't get it, then move toward the exits.

Phew, I know...I am a wise sensei. Not really. Call if you need me, babe. XO