? ??????????????Love and Laughs? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (5 Ratings)??26 Grabs Today. 7252 Total Grabs. ??
????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Sunspots? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (4 Ratings)??21 Grabs Today. 1576 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????Aim For Love? ? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Is there anyone out there???

hey all!!!

sorry its been awhile since i've blogged, i got caught up in facebook and all those other sites lol....but aunt sam like forced me to do this :D so its all good!!

heres an update:
i'm a sophmore in high school and its going pretty well except for the fact that i can't seem to pass biology (i have a C...i never do that!), but Algebra II is going pretty well so thats super good :)
my best friend heather decided this summer that she didn't wanna be my friend anymore and she like emailed me this summer and told me that i had changed and BS like that...so whateva. If she's naive enough to think that no one changes, then i don't want anything to do with her. But she can't even look at me at school...can't even make eye contact...i mean what the hell is up with that!?
oh and boys.... yeah i dated david for like 6 months and then was forced to break up with him by my parents, then i dated Russ Clark (he's a sweetie and also a senior) but yeah we broke up after 2 weeks cuz he claimed i was too clingy (i can't help the fact that i fell in love with him the day i met him, which was years ago) and now he's dating one of my best friends again (who had dated him b4 i did)(oh and me and my friend made a no-more-Russ pact) she broke the pact officially on new years so yeah its not like that hurt or anything rite? (pssht not!)...and then theres Mitch...he's my other sweetie (or was) the same friend that is now with Russ gave me his number and yeah we started txting constnantly, and then he claimed he loved me, so long story short: i fell really hard for him like really really really hard for him... but now my other friend Shelly is in love with him too which totally freakin hurts you know?

so in other words: i'm in a screwed up situation when it comes to guys. wouldn't be a first huh.

~GN <3


Sam said...

I didn't force you, punk. <3 you!!



Andie Lou said...

yeah u did!!! lol

Sam said...

You are a pretty sweet turd little face.